Confezione da 10 pezzi di NEOCOLOR I. Caratteristiche:
• Risponde alle esigenze di artisti, illustratori, grafici e insegnanti di materie artistiche
• Pastello a cera untuoso, resistente all’acqua, di qualità superiore con alta concentrazione di pigmenti, utilizzo economico grazie al suo potere coprente eccezionale
• Colori luminosi, ottima sovrapposizione dei colori, eccellente resistenza alla luce ed ottima tenuta del colore
• Utilizzabili su carta, cartone, legno, cuoio, terracotta, tessuto, pietra
• Affilatura con tempera matite o coltello e solubile con la trementina
Metal box with 10 metallic colours/7004.310
Over 60 years' expertise for an iconic product : the NEOCOLOR® I wax oil pastel is suitable for artists of all ages.
Contents : 10 permanent oil wax pastels in metallic shades
Applications : Various potential applications - to decorate numerous media, painting and blending, wax coating, scraping, mixed media, superimposed colours, stencilling, sgraffito.
Technical description :
- Type : Superior quality permanent wax oil pastel
- Details : Water-resistant, creamy, economical to use thanks to superior covering power, 100% usable, excellent light resistance.
- CE EN71 and ASTM D4236 compliant
- Techniques : can be applied to all materials (paper, cardboard, glass, wood, leather, fabric, stone, etc.) and dissolved using turpentine, becomes a wax coating on hot metal, user in combination with NEOCOLOR® II Watersoluble.
Available in assortments of 10, 15, 30 or 40 colours, 10 metallic colours and 10 " Portrait " colours.
Also available in multi-product boxes of 40 NEOCOLOR® I + 40 NEOCOLOR II Watersoluble, or in a limited edition " 60 " year gift box set.
Developed and manufactured in Switzerland.